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Papers/Abstracts Published in
Refereed Conference Proceedings
#Chenn, A., Lee, H., #Chong, S., Jang, J., & Ki, C.* (2023). Clothes made of pixels and bits: An AI-driven topic modelling analysis of fashion NFTs compared to digital fashion. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 20-23.
Ki, C., Youn, S.*, & Ha, S. (2023). Metaverse and fashion consumers: Exploring the meanings consumers attach to the metaverse, avatars, and digital fashion. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 20-23.
Ki, C., Wang, B. *, #Chong, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2022). Is the fashion industry ready for a change toward a circular economy (FashionReady4CE)? Development of IRT-based FashionReady4CE scales. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.
Kim, I., Ki, C.*, & Kim, Y. (2022). Are virtual fashion influencers (VFIs) cool and eerie? Effects of VFIs’ form- and behavioral-realism on consumer ambivalence. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.
Ki, C.*, #Chong, S., #Chenn, A, & Cho, E. (2022). A systematic and comparative literature review of livestream shopping and TV home shopping research. The Korean Society of Costume Spring 2022 Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 14.
† Best Conference Paper Award in the fashion marketing track
Ki, C.*, Cho, E., & Li, C. (2021). Digital luxury: Adding value to China’s second-hand luxury fashion market through the integration of product and digital channels. Global Fashion Management Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 5-7.
Ki, C.*, #Chow, T., & #Chen, B, & Li, C. (2021). How do consumers’ attitudinal ambivalence of trust and distrust toward social media influencers interplay and influence their imitation intention? International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Virtual, November 3-6.
† ITAA 2021 Paper of Distinction Award in the consumer behavior track
Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2020). Consumers’ moral beliefs on corporate and individual responsibilities for circular fashion co-creation. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, November 18-21.
Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2020). Inspiration mechanism between social media influencers and consumers. Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 5-8.
Ki, C.*, Cuevas, L. M., & Lim, H. (2019). Identification of key attributes of social media influencers: An exploratory study. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 25-29.
Ki, C., Kwon, H., & Kim, Y. (2017). Luxury fashion consumers: Comparing high- and low-guilt groups. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 14-18.
Cho, E., Ki, C., & Kim, Y. (2017). Ethnic-Inspired Design consumption: A means of enhancing self-view confidence. Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 6-9.
Refereed Conference Presentations
Ki, C.*, #Chong, S., #Chenn, A., Wang, B., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (Accepted 2023). Developing and validating scales to assess fashion organizations' change-related effort toward the circular economy. 2023 International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, November 8-11. [Poster]
#Chenn, A., Lee, H., #Chong, S., Jang, J., & Ki, C.* (2023). Clothes made of pixels and bits: An AI-driven topic modelling analysis of fashion NFTs compared to digital fashion. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 20-23.
Ki, C., Youn, S.*, & Ha, S. (2023). Metaverse and fashion consumers: Exploring the meanings consumers attach to the metaverse, avatars, and digital fashion. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 20-23.
Ki, C.*, Li, S., Chenn, A., Chong, S., & Cho,, E. (2023). Chinese Consumers’ Motivations, Attitudes, and Purchasing Intention of Buying Secondhand Luxury in Online Marketplaces (OSHL): OSHL as a Wise Way to Consume Luxury. The Korean Society of Costume 2023 Spring Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 13. [Poster]
Ki, C.*, Wang, B. *, #Chong, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2022). Is the fashion industry ready for a change toward a circular economy (FashionReady4CE)? Development of IRT-based FashionReady4CE scales. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.
Youn, S.*, Ki, C., & Ha, S. (2022). Does feeling close or distant matter? Effect of race-based crisis on brand evaluation. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.
Kim, I., Ki, C.*, & Kim, Y. (2022). Are virtual fashion influencers (VFIs) cool and eerie? Effects of VFIs’ form- and behavioral-realism on consumer ambivalence. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 26-29.
Ki, C.*, Jang, J., & Zhou, A. (2022). Do consumers feel empowered by shopping second-hand luxury fashion online? ITC-KSCT Joint Symposium in conduction with the 2022 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Virtual, May 26. [poster]
Ki, C.*, #Chong, S., #Chenn, A, & Cho, E. (2022). A systematic and comparative literature review of livestream shopping and TV home shopping research. The Korean Society of Costume Spring 2022 Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 14.
† Best Conference Paper Award in the fashion marketing track
Ki, C.*, Cho, E., & Li, C. (2021). Digital luxury: Adding value to China’s second-hand luxury fashion market through the integration of product and digital channels. Global Fashion Management Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 5-7.
Ki, C.*, #Chow, T., #Chen, B, & Li, C. (2021). How do consumers’ attitudinal ambivalence of trust and distrust toward social media influencers interplay and influence their imitation intention? International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Virtual, November 3-6.
† ITAA 2021 Paper of Distinction Award in the consumer behavior track
Ki, C.*, Chong, S., Peng, Y., & Li, C. (2021). Live streaming e-commerce: A new way of promoting online shopping in the COVID-19 pandemic era. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Virtual, November 3-6. [poster]
Ki, C.*, Ni, Y. *, & Lee, Y. (2021). 중국 소비자의 게이밍 커머스 이용 동기에 관한 질적연구: Taobao Life를 중심으로. 2021 소비자분야 통합학술대회, Seoul, Korea, November 5
Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2020). Understanding consumers’ moral responsibility to create a circular fashion. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, November 18-21.
Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2020). Are consumers ‘inspired-by’ social media influencers and ‘inspired-to’ adopt their exemplars as social defaults?. Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 5-8.
Ki, C., Cuevas, L. M.*, & Lim, H. (2019). Identification of key attributes of social media influencers: An exploratory study. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 25-29
Ki, C.*, & Kim, Y. (2018). The drivers and impacts of social media influencers: The role of mimicry, Korean Scholars of Marketing Science (KSMS) International Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 10-11.
† Honorable mention in the doctoral dissertation competition
Ki, C., Kwon, H., & Kim, Y. (2017). Luxury fashion consumers: Comparing high- and low-guilt groups. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 14-18.
Cho, E., Ki, C., & Kim, Y. (2017). Ethnic-Inspired Design consumption: A means of enhancing self-view confidence. Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 6-9.
Ki, C., Kumar, A., & Fairhurst, A. (2016). A comparative analysis of CSR website reporting in India: The roles of corporate governance and industry type. American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Conference, Secaucus, NJ, April 13-16.
Cho, E., Ki, C., & Kim, Y. (2016). Values of cultural creatives: Drivers of ethnic-inspired design consumption. American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Conference, Secaucus, NJ, April 13-16.
Ki, C., Lee, K., & Kim, Y. (2015). Luxury fashion consumption: The interplay of guilt and pleasure. International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 9-13.
Ki, C., & Kim, Y. (2015). The role of guilt in sustainable luxury consumption. Global Fashion Management Conference, Florence, Italy, June 25-28.
Ki, C., & Kim, Y. (2015). Sustainable luxury consumption: Antecedents and outcomes. American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Conference, Miami, FL, March 4-7.
Ki, C., & Lim, S. (2014). Role of fashion leadership in consumers’ online purchase behavior. American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, March 26-29.
Ki, C., & Lim, S. (2013). Fashion leadership and consumer purchase behavior in online shopping mall. Korea-Indonesia International Conference.
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